2/18/15 - Update on Plant Construction - FHC is starting the mechanical work inside the DAF and head works buildings. Davis Construction is just about done setting forms for the slab to be poured across the two oxidation ditches. The lab building lights have all been replaced. DVT Electric will be all the old MCC in the lab building on Tuesday.
Generator - Cat was able to figure out the problem with the generator. Cat will be coming back out to the plant on 2/24/15 to do generator training.
Operations - Lagoons 2 and 5 have been discharged. We are currently transferring water out of lagoon 1 into lagoons 2 and 5. Once the transfer is complete, we will be using lagoon 1 for clarifier effluent during the IOP. Because of the delays at L/S #16, we had to rent a Godwin pump from AIS to complete the transfer without violating the IOP.
Lift Stations - We are currently working with FTC&H to figure out a solution to the problems at L/S #6. FTC&H is also reviewing the collection system to assist in future upgrades. Wayne Langeland at FTC&H has been out to the plant to review past and present projects.
Collection System - At this time, all lining and gravity line work is on hold until spring.
On-Going Projects - IPP surveys have been sent to all commercial users. The three big SIUs have been sent the long forms as requested by DEQ.
FTC&H is reviewing plant startup after the IOP. They are also looking at future plant expansion, tertiary filtration, and equalization for Twin City Foods (TCF).
1/21/15 - Update on Plant Construction - the walls on the head works building are complete. The roof is being installed right now. New non-potable water lines have been run to yard hydrants and out buildings. They are currently running the non-potable water line to the lab building pump room. The platform across the two oxidation ditches is being formed. Due to the weather, construction has slowed.
Operations - Discharge from lagoon 5 started on 1/13/15. We will start discharging lagoon 2 very soon.
Lift Stations - The piping connection at L/S #16 has been completed. We started running the flow on 1/14/15. We noticed water coming out of the ground along the road in the area of the piping connection. Discharge was stopped until the leak was investigated. It was relayed to us by Bailey Excavating, Sorenson Gross, and Wolverine Engineers that the water in the area was ground water. Employees received generator training at L/S #16. All flow from L/S #12 is currently being gravity fed to lift station 16.
Collection System - At this time, all future plans and designs on the collection system are on hold.
On-Going Projects - Work on the Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) continues.
The chemical feed building is still in the design stages. We are waiting for a new quote from Davis Construction. The previous design was submitted to Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. (FTC&H) for review. I will supply their response at the Board meeting.
12/16/14 - Update on Plant Construction - the gearboxes on the clarifiers and the DAF unit have been installed and filled with oil. The head-works building is starting to come together. All of the construction needed to operate under the IOP has been completed.
Operations - We are currently operating under the IOP. We were given permission from the DEQ to take the old clarifier off line to allow for piping changes. This is only for a short period, and then it will be put back in service.
Lift Stations - L/S #16 is still not completed. We have stopped discharging lagoons so they can make the piping connections. No updates are available on the wet well leaking situation.
Collection System - The air release valve project is underway. They have been replaced along Woodland Road north of Brown Road. The one on Eagle Point has been replaced. The ones in line from L/S #8 to L/S #7 have been replaced too. The air release valves have been replaced on the 10- and 12-inch force main that the supply the plant. Also, the 18-inch discharge line has been completed.
There is one air release valve on L/S #8 that we have not been able to locate. The air release valves on Woodland Road between L/S #11 and Brown Road have not been replaced because if we upsize the line in the near future, we will have new air release valves for the new line.
Plant Lagoon Discharges - Cell 5 was discharged from 11/10-29/14 at a total of 39.7 million gallons. Cell 3 was discharged from 12/1-10/14 at a total of 31.9 million gallons.
11/12/14 - Update on Plant Construction - the DAF unit's walls and floor have been poured. Assembly of the clarifiers is nearly completed. Davis Construction is now working on the head works building.
Interim Operations Plan (IOP) - the staff gauges still need to be installed on the lagoon. These are needed to meet the requirements of the IOP. The overflow spillway and piping modifications on the aerated sludge cell have not been started. These items are also needed in order to comply with the IOP requirements.
Lagoons - we have been using the pontoon to apply ferric to the surface of the lagoons. Lagoon #5 had a phosphorous level of 3.22 mg/l. After applying ferric, that number has dropped to .73 mg/l. We started discharging lagoon #5 on 11/10/14. The next lagoon to receive treatment will be lagoon #3. The current phosphorous level in #3 is 2.91 mg/l without ferric treatment.
Generator - Caterpillar did the start up and equipment testing.
Power Supply - Consumers Energy did an upgrade to the power supply to the plant.
Lift Station - We are still waiting for MDEQ approval on piping at L/S #4, so final grading can be completed. The wet well at L/S #16 appears to be sealed up. We have also received the permit for piping changes at L/S #16. Pat Turner from Wolverine Engineers & Surveyors has put heat tape on the bypass pumps at L/S #16.
Collection System - The lining project is partially completed and is now on hold until next year. There are a couple of spots in Woodland and Lake Odessa that still need to be done. There are also some spots that will be done next year that were unable to be done this year.
10/10/14 - Update on Plant Construction - a well was drilled next to the new oxidation ditch to provide water for leak testing. The new oxidation ditch does have some leaks. Davis Construction is in the process of patching the leaks. The clarifiers and DAF unit will be leak tested soon.
Lab - 3rd quarter mercury testing has been completed. Jar testing for chemical feed to be used in the lagoons has been completed.
Treatment - we purchased a pontoon from Marc's Marine. The pontoon has been set up to do chemical feeding in the lagoons. We will be applying ferric to the lagoons to reduce phosphorous levels to meet discharge limits.
Lift Stations - we are still waiting for MDEQ approval on piping at lift station #4. We are also waiting for another attempt at sealing the wet well at L/S #16.
Collection System - the lining project is nearly completed. They have two full liners yet to pull and a few touch up spots to do. The open cutting and sewer replacement on M-43 in Woodland will be done in the spring.
On-going Tasks - The final draft of the Interim Operations Plan (IOP) has been submitted to the MDEQ. We will be waiting for their approval or recommendations. The permit for the generator has been received.
9/17/14 - Update on Plant Construction - the clarifiers and new oxidation ditch foundations and walls are completed. Davis Construction is getting ready to water-test them. The DAF unit sight has been prepared, and organic soils have been removed and refilled with good base. UV building cascades are almost ready to be poured.
Lab - Lab samples were purchased from NCL Lab to run lab comparisons. A mercury test kit has been received so samples can be taken and ran in the 3rd quarter.
Lift Stations - We are still waiting for MDEQ approval on piping at L/S #4. Once we receive approval, the final grade can be completed.
There are still problems with the new main pump station #16. The contractor worked for 4 weeks trying to seal the wet well. Now that the building is up and mechanical equipment is installed, we are once again dealing with a leaking wet well.
Collection System - Franklin and Florence streets have been completed. We may still have a few spot repairs on driveways and lawns that need to be done.
On-Going Task - The IOP plan has been sent to the MDEQ. We are waiting for their approval or recommendations on the plan.
We had an SSO (sewer system overflow) at the plant on 9/10/14. We are currently working with Davis Construction on removing the faulty valve.
8/20/14 - Update on Plant Construction - the foundations for the UV building and wet well have been poured. FHC is starting to assemble the clarifiers. Concrete forms are being set for the head works building. The splitter box has been poured, and the hole for the DAF unit has been completed.
Lift Stations - We are still waiting for MDEQ approval on piping at L/S #4 so final grading can be completed. The construction of lift station #16 is moving quickly. We are trying to reach completion before school starts or shortly thereafter.
On 8/4/14, a sewer system overflow (SSO) occurred at L/S #11 in Woodland due to the 3.25 inches of rain that fell in a short period of time. All of the proper departments were notified. Reports were sent to the DEQ and the Barry County Health Department.
Collection System - Reconstruction on Franklin and Florence streets are nearly completed. Sewer line point repairs with the liners are more than 50% completed.
The Residual Maintenance Program (RMP) for Biosolids Management has been approved by the MDEQ.
On-Going Projects - Repairs have been done to some of the dikes around the lagoons.
7/16/14 - Update on Plant Construction - construction is well underway. The new clarifiers and oxidation ditch have been poured. The septic receiving building and the control building for the oxidation ditches are framed. The UV building is being started.
Lift Station #4 was started up on 6/19/14 and adjustments have been made to the station. The alarms have been installed and they are connected to the SCADA.
The RMP program for Biosolids management has been drafted and sent to MDEQ.
Reconstruction of Franklin Street in Woodland is about to start now that Consumers Energy has moved the gas main.
10/22/13 - Bids for the plant improvement project have been awarded.
* WWTP Improvements - work will begin approx. Jan. 31, 2014 and be completed approx. July 31, 2015.